Friday, March 26, 2021

Friday, March 26, 2021

Spring break is here but it sure doesn't look very springy out there!
We hope you all have a wonderful, safe and restful break.

Our classes are going to be taking advantage of the great weather and our student teachers and will be visiting the coulee on a number of days after Spring Break.  Please make note of these dates and be sure to dress with appropriate clothing as it is very mucky down in the coulee.

April 6 (Tuesday) AM
April 7 (Wednesday) PM
April 8 (Thursday) PM
April 9 (Friday) AM

We did some journaling about what students' hopes, wishes, and worries are about Coulee School.  Here are some of their responses:

I want to try to find animal prints and study who they were made from.

I want to measure plants

Camp in the coulee

Check our nests

Mrs. Cox, you need to bring a tent, we are going to sleep there

I want to make a gigantic house in the coulee

I want to learn about animals and the history of the coulee

We can learn about the types of plants and who were the first people to live there and how did it all start

I hope we can play dodge ball

I want to measure the height and width of a tree

I want to learn how much a tree grows in a year

I want to learn and draw and study about birds

I want to know why it's called a coulee

Why is it a stream?

I want to learn what happened in the past

I wish school was 24 hours during coulee school

We could learn how animals communicate

Why do echos happen

We could raise money for the coulee's paths because they are muddy and the paths are breaking

I'd like to find a calm place to sit and do a drawing

Find rocks your partner hides

Check on our nests

I want to learn much much more about birds - crows chickadees, ravens woodpeckers

I want to get rocks and sticks and build a small house

I want to make a fun park out of sticks stones

We could make an obstacle course, tipi, maze

We could bring computers and do research

Questions & Wonders

I want to learn about some nocturnal animals.

How many species of animals live there?

How all of the animals moved into the coulee?

I wonder if  animals go into the stream to get water or have a nice bath.

How many insects make the coulee their home?

What is the age of the trees?

What do the trees experience?

Last time we were in the coulee, we were looking for areas the city could help improve the coulee.  We were looking at safety and accessibility.  The engagement project closes on the 28th.  Visit the City Engagement Project Here Ms. Huebner's class discussed and added our concerns today! Do we add more man-made features or preserve our natural coulee environment?

Charlie presented her independent project entitled "Music to My Ears" She shared some research facts and videos of her playing a variety of instruments! Thanks Charlie! We were so super impressed by your skills. We continued to work on our research and we explored math games.

Finn and Kian were teaching the students how to code use Skratch.  They are also offering online virtual sessions

Some of their Coulee School, AKA Schoulee journal pages:

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Important Dates:

Friday 26th - Half day and last day of classes before Spring Break

Monday 5th - Easter Monday

Tuesday 6th - First day back

Our classes are going to be taking advantage of the great weather and our student teachers and will be visiting the coulee on a number of days after Spring Break.  Please make note of these dates and be sure to dress with appropriate clothing as it is very mucky down in the coulee.

April 6 (Tuesday) AM
April 7 (Wednesday) PM
April 8 (Thursday) PM
April 9 (Friday) AM

The students continued to work on expanding their knowledge of measurement. We have learned about the different measurement devices, and now we are continuing to learn about Time. The students had the opportunity to understand the different components of a clock. They also got the opportunity to build their own analog clocks, and worked really hard to use their creativity to make them unique! 
This afternoon we learned more about the type of housing in Tunisia, and how our economy is fueled by the resources that we have available to us. Then the students got to practice how an economy works by playing a fun game!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Tuesday, March 23

Important Dates:

Friday 26th - Half day and last day of classes before Spring Break

Monday 5th - Easter Monday

Tuesday 6th - First day back

We are starting to look at measuring mass.  Today the students explored a range of measuring devices (scales and balances) and did a lot of estimating.

Typing practice using "Typing Club".  The students can create an account using their educbe accounts and keep track of their progress!  So far the class record is Mrs. Cox with 64 words per minute.

Creating their own mandala art piece using old CD's.  A good way to upcycle!

While studying Tunisia, we learned about the beautiful designs on the doors that represent the values and cultures of the family living in the home.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Monday March 22, 2021

Some students have been creating interest presentations at home and presenting at school. We practiced perimeter this morning and then persuasive writing. During the free write, we tried to implement the editing and revision process to improve our work. We practiced our guided reading and in the afternoon, we started to learn about the landscape and climate in the country of Tunisia. The students began to design a door that is symmetrical and might be seen in Tunisia. Ask me some facts about doors in Tunisia.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Friday, March 19, 2021

What a beautiful day it was in the coulee today!  We explored sound, stories, structures and got a bit mucky.