Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

 Please be sure to check out the virtual book fair using this link.

EHS Book Fair

We hope you all were able to sign up for Student Led Conference this Thursday and Friday.  We are sorry that they will, again, be done through Microsoft Teams as we wish so badly that you would be able to come into the school to see all of the amazing work the students have done over the past few weeks.

We have some work for you to look over prior to the conference and although some of the students are still working to complete it and may need some time tomorrow, you will receive an email this afternoon with the invitation and instructions.

Yesterday was International Woman's Day and Miss Shivi led a conversation about equality around the world and empowerment.  The students made their teachers so proud with their insightful word, questions and noticings.  

Learning about perimeter...


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