Thursday, March 18, 2021

Thursday March 18, 2021

Reminder for Parents: we are going to the coulee tomorrow to drop off the animal shelters the students build. Make sure they have appropriate footwear and clothing!

Happy Thursday!

Today, the students continued to build their conceptual understanding of perimeter. We made predictions and asked them to estimate how many meters the perimeter of the school is. Then, we went for a walk to see whether our estimates matched. The students also began an assessment today to practice what we have learned so far.

In science, we continued to learn about Hearing and Sound. Today, we learned what causes sound to travel, and the important role vibration and pitch plays in making different sounds. The students then got the opportunity to build their own sound/sandwiches!

Today, the students continued to build their conceptual understanding of perimeter. We made predictions and asked them to estimate how many meters the perimeter of the school is. Then, we went for a walk to see whether our estimates matched. The students also began an assessment today to practice what we have learned so far.

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