Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Wednesday March 17, 2021

Scholastic Virtual Book Fair Continues Until March19th

EHS Virtual Book Fair runs from March 8th to 19th!  You can use the link below to view trailers and get info. ahead of time, and then make purchases once the fair starts.
Book Fair

Students celebrated and enjoyed dressing in green clothes today! It was also nice to see lots of students wearing clothes that resemble their favorite animals. This morning we continued to learn about area and perimeter by using building blocks. Students were given the opportunity to build different rectangles and then record those creations on grid paper. It was very interesting and fun to see the connections the students were making from previous lessons!


After snack and recess, we began talking about past and present verb tenses. Students were encouraged to make a chart in their journals and partake in a small 'scavenger hunt' to look for past or present verbs in their own books. Once we began to identify multiple different present tense verbs, we learned their past tense counterparts and expanded our lists. It was taught to the students that sometimes children use words like "runned or bringed" rather than "ran or brought." The students loved this conversation as they were constantly coming up with a variety of different verbs and learning how to use new verbs along the way!


In the afternoon, Mr. Papp and Miss Shivi read the students a book titled "A Good Trade" which allowed the students to begin making connections to 3rd world countries and how access to certain resources is extremely difficult in some places around the world. After a meaningful conversation based on empathy, students were prompted to build different ideas based on topics such as: what it would look like if we only had dirty water, how we can help our indigenous neighbors with their polluted water issues around Alberta, and what it would look like if we did not have access to resources. The students loved this because it allowed them to think deeper about the ideas shared from the book.


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