Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Wednesday April 7, 2021

 Tomorrow are our SPRING Photos...

We started our day by learning about attributes of different polygons. Students used blocks and were challenged to sort by sides, faces, edges, verticies, colour and types. Then students created shape fortune tellers so they could integrate their mathematical knowledge and "test" each other. We are shape experts!
We played a game... Where in the world am I? Then we researched the landscapes of our country studies.

Today, we went to the coulee and got to go quite a bit further thanks to the portable toilet that was placed right near the main path. The kids did an amazing job keeping up and had fun exploring their curiosities. We learned about the reasons why it is important to take care of our natural resources, particularly water. Then we experimented with making our own natural watercolor using the saskatoon, and wolf willow berries. We also learned new French nature words and played I spy in French!
We got a little mucky, but had a lot of fun playing in the water.

Look how far we walked!  Almost 10 Kilometres!  

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